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Ge kiln

Jul 30, 2024

Introduction: Ge Kiln is one of the "five famous kilns" of the Song Dynasty, and the Ge Kiln mentioned here refers to the heirloom Ge Kiln porcelain. Its tire color has black, dark gray, light gray and earth yellow variety, its glaze are lost transparent milky glaze, the glaze color is mainly gray-green. Common objects are furnace, bottle, bowl, plate, wash, etc., are excellent texture, fine workmanship, all for the court with the style of porcelain, and folk kiln porcelain is very different. Brother kiln heirlooms are palace collections, currently the main collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing, Taipei Palace Museum, Shanghai Museum and a number of large foreign museums.

Handed down representative works: Ge Kiln is mainly collected in the Beijing Palace Museum and the Taipei Palace Museum. The Imperial Palace in Beijing has a green glaze jar with ear, a green glaze fish ear furnace and a green glaze begonia flower pot.

Song Ge Kiln green glaze fish ear furnace

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