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Ru kiln

Jul 14, 2024

Ru kiln to celadon mainly, glaze cyan "crab claw pattern" incense gray tire "sesame earning nails" is an important basis for identifying Ru kiln. Among them, the crab claw pattern refers to the glaze surface texture of the open piece of hairy ZaZa; Sesame earning nails" is due to the firing of the foot with a very small support pegs, and then the Ru Kiln porcelain support in the air to burn. This firing porcelain after firing, the bottom of the glaze will have a few points.

Ru kiln porcelain modeling simple and generous, with precious agate as the glaze, color and lustre is unique, "agate for the glaze of the ancient heritage," the praise. With the change of light, see its glaze color, as if "after the rain cloud breaks, a thousand peaks blue wave green color to" the wonderful. The soil is fine and moist, the body is thin, the glaze is thick and sound like warmth, bright but not blinding, jade-like texture. The glaze has a very fine open flake, this kind of open flake not only does not affect its beauty, but also added a few ancient and elegant artistic flavor.

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