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magnetostatic kiln technique

Aug 31, 2024

magnetostatic kiln technique

In has been fired into a white ceramic ware glaze with a brush will be red, yellow and green painted material painted into a pattern, and then by the fire second firing and become. Because the pattern picture red, green more, so called red and green color. This technique was first created in the present generation, is the world's earliest glaze painting techniques, the later generations of blue and white porcelain and colorful porcelain has far-reaching influence, is the originator of Chinese painted porcelain. Its decorative features are: colorful, painted red and green, with extremely rich national cultural characteristics.


Magnetic pillow series

Porcelain pillow was burned 1400 years ago in the Sui Dynasty, the pillow can cool down the heat, clarify the thoughts, easy to sleep. Chinese medicine believes that "the head should be cool, the feet should be warm", the Ming Dynasty pharmacist Li Shizhen also wrote in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": "long pillow porcelain pillow, can clear the mind and eyes, to the old can read the fine books.


Purple Gold Series

Zijin Tea Ceremony by the national intangible cultural heritage representative inheritor of the Anjiheng master fee of 10 years of effort, selecting the Taihang Mountain high-quality porcelain clay, by chance, to the Tibetan Guanyin Shenshan soil into the mud, named "Zijin Tea Ceremony", taste elegant, extremely difficult to burn. Often dozens of pieces of a fine product. The tire is delicate, glaze rich and warm. Between the appreciation, seem to hear the sound of the bell, Zen is strong. "Purple and gold tea ceremony" production of work, glaze of God, not to create its very best, is a rare treasure, the world celebrities are not to collect "purple and gold tea ceremony" as an honor.


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