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magnetostatic kiln technique

Sep 03, 2024

White Makeup Sculpture Flower Technique

In the porcelain clay surface first applied white make-up clay, and then with a bamboo knife, bamboo stick in the make-up clay pattern engraving, or engraving patterns and then remove the picture outside the excess make-up clay, and then apply a layer of transparent glaze firing and become. This technique is one of the traditional decorative techniques of the Magnetic State Kiln, referred to as white carving. Decorative features: white as the main color, elegant and white, clear and beautiful.


White Makeup Sculpture Flower Technique

On the surface of the clay blank of magnetic ware, three layers of white make-up clay are applied first, then a layer of black (red) color make-up clay is applied, and after the pattern is engraved, the glaze other than the pattern is carefully eliminated, and finally a layer of transparent glaze is applied to make it by firing. The pattern is free and unrestrained, and the decorative effect is very eye-catching, which is the most exquisite variety in the decorative technique of the Magnetic State Kiln. Decorative features: delicate and detailed patterns, white ground moist as jade, black glaze calm and bright, red glaze rich and festive.


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