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Yaozhou Kiln

Sep 06, 2024

Yaozhou kiln is the representative of northern celadon. Its kiln site is located in Huangbao Town, Tongchuan City, Shaanxi Province, formerly known as Tongguan, belonged to Yaozhou during the Song Dynasty, so it was named "Yaozhou Kiln". In the Tang Dynasty, the kiln began to produce black glaze, white glaze, green glaze, tea powder glaze, green glaze, brown glaze, black glaze, and three-color pottery, etc. In the Song and Jin Dynasties, the kiln was mainly made of celadon. The Song and Jin dynasties were dominated by celadon. Yaozhou kiln in the Song Dynasty in the north of the celadon kiln is the most prestigious, can be called the best.

Decorative techniques to carving and printing-based, carving is particularly exquisite, sharp and smooth knife, strong and powerful, three-dimensional sense is strong. Decorative art, colorful decorations. Patterns have animals, people, flowers and patterns.

Porcelain types: bowls, plates, bottles, jars, pots, basins, stoves, pillows, colorful combinations, incense, notes, marigolds, mantles, etc., all the varieties needed for life are available.


Bowl open mouth, abdomen for six petal shape, near the bottom of the tapering, rim. Inside the wall castor scratched seawater pattern, the center of the bowl scratched a swimming duck, the outer wall of the light plain without lines. The whole body is decorated with green glaze, the glaze color is deep and yellowish in green.

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